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You've got questions. I've got answers.

Why choose Spark?

Simple. I’ve been in the business of bringing (or keeping) Aussies and their partners together through partner visa immigration since 2012. That’s a long time (and a lot of applications)!

I’ve also got a 100% success rate with partner visa applications that I’ve handled from start to finish.

Basically – I know what it takes to make your partner visa application the best it can be, to give you the best chance of success.

I’ve worked at a range of migration firms since 2012, and learned a whole lot about what gets results (and what doesn’t). I’ve incorporated all of the things I’ve learned into the way Spark operates, so that you can benefit from a speedy, streamlined process that’s free of fluff/unnecessary stuff.

You and your partner matter to me, as humans who deserve to be together in this wonderful country, and your visa grant is my top priority.

How much experience do you have in preparing successful visa applications?

Expect your application to be submitted within 28 days of getting started (faster, if you need. I've prepped and lodged an app overnight before, I can do it again). Expect responses to your emails within 24-48 hours. Expect answers to your questions that strike just the right balance between 'detailed' and 'to the point'. Expect me to pick up when you call (or call you back the very second I’m free). Expect me to text you photos of Choux in return for photos of your fur babies/human babies.

The nature of what I do means that I’m going to know a lot about you and your partner – so, we might as well be friends! 

What else can we expect from you?

Sure can. I’ve dealt with visa applicants who have had adverse criminal or medical histories, visa refusals in other countries, and even some that have overstayed their Australian visa (one of them was unlawful for 10+ years!).

If there’s a way to get your partner visa approved, I’ll find it. If your case is a little on the tricky side, I’ll be totally upfront with you regarding any additional fees that may be required to prepare a detailed legal submission in support of your case.

My immigration matter has complicating factors. Can you still help?

Glad you asked! But I have to correct you. My services aren’t cheap – they’re fairly priced. Your basis for comparison – other agencies/firms – they’re actually on the *expensive* side. And it’s not their fault, honest. They’ve got overheads to cover, and they’ve gotta do it somehow!

So when you’re paying $5000+ for a visa application? You’re actually paying for those firms to restock their coffee pods. To pay their employees' super. To keep the lights on in their corporate office space. To get a weekly fruit box delivery. To constantly upgrade their computer systems (again... and again... and again). Yeah... you get the picture. 

Talking about money is awkward, but... I gotta know. Why are your fees so low?

Yep, that’s exactly right. I’m a one-woman show, and I work from my home office, in my little apartment. I keep my costs low so that I can pass those savings on to you.

Because I know that the uncertainty you feel when you need a visa? It’s second only to the cost-related stress involved in the application process. I want to do what I can to eliminate both of those things for you.

So you're telling me you don't have any overheads?

Of course! I completely understand that things can get a bit tight cashflow-wise when you’re having to fork out thousands of dollars between government fees, police checks, document translations, medical appointments… and it wouldn’t be in keeping with my values (making your life easier) if I didn’t offer payment plans.

So yes, I’d be more than happy to sort something out for you – let’s chat about it.

Do you offer payment plans?

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